Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Gasp.....Gasp....Oxygen I Need Oxygen

i did it...i made it through my first workout. it was painful but i'm hoping to stick with it. THANKS for all the words of encouragement! i really do need it. i will listen to them and do my best to trudge on.

going back tomorrow...sore muscles and all! i actually wore shorts in front of people (first time in a long time) and felt naked. EEEKKK - the blog of human lard is coming my way! make it stop mommy, make it go away....sorry got a little carried away.

paula my "trainer and project manager" is great. i'm really glad she was the one who answered the phone and scheduled my appointment. i think i'll keep her - energetic, spunkiness and all!

to all my sister-friends - YAY-YAY! you're the best!

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Blogger Lu said...

go marti...go marti...

trying to sound like tony little (the gazelle guy) heehee

July 19, 2005  
Blogger Dawn said...

Good for you...I am not brave enough ti sport the shorts yet....I guess I just feel to uncomfortable...I am so pale:(

It gets better when you start to notice a change:)

July 20, 2005  
Blogger Melody said...

Congratulations....I work out fairly regularly and now I actually mis it when I miss. It will get easier...honesty!

July 21, 2005  
Blogger Melody said...

Thanks for the comment on my post regarding my 16 year old daughter and for the offer of a shoulder to lean on....I may need it.

July 21, 2005  
Blogger Misti said...

I am just getting back to the gym after having my 4th baby, can't wait to get into those skinny shorts again.Stick with it, i get addicted to it. Kind of like blogging ;)

July 22, 2005  

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