Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Must Love Dogs, Internet Dating-Tyring to Finding That Someone
Over the Labor Day weekend we saw "Must Love Dogs" with Diane Lane and John Cusack. It was pretty good but, I was affected by this movie in a way that I hope I don't find myself "alone" or "looking" to start a relationship again. The characters main tool for meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right was the internet. How sad. I asked Bret before the internet, how did people meet? We (Bret and me) didn't meet via internet. Are we so busy or technically advanced that we can't meet someone other than on a computer? What happened to how it used to be? Oh, yeah - WE have changed society is such a way that 10 years ago seem more like 100 years ago. People don't take time for themselves or each other, deadlines to meet, 80(+) hr work week busy, busy, busy...text messages, email, cell phones attached permanently to the ear...
My heart goes out to those of you who are trying to meet the one. We have a very close friend who is divorced and is wanting to meet that right person. He is having a difficult time. First of all where do you meet? In a bar, Singles or Divorced Group? WHERE? He vowed to NEVER use the internet. Unfortunately, he had to break that vow and is now titled "Meet Mr. Right..." or "Are You Looking to Find....".
I would like to wish everyone who is looking for their somebody or soul mate a quick discovery, love, and happiness.

Oh LORD I did the internet thing, and let me tell you that some of those rules they say you should follow, like "meet in a public place"? They should be FOLLOWED. Oh, the STORIES I have... But I've seen it work for a lot of people. More people than I would have thought, actually, and god bless 'em.
but marti...there are lots of FUN FREAKS on the internet....hork hork
hey ma!
just letting you know that I was informed today that I am allowed to get in the internet! haha..Ms Boss lady didnt think this computer was hooked up to the internet so read my blogs again i'll start blogging agian
BYE! (with no i love you's!)
Amen to that.
The funny thing is...I did the dating service thing...I did the "meeting singles thing"...and they were all losers. I actually met "the one" by mistake, and ON THE INTERNET!
I am glad I am not looking. It was hard enough the first time.
A reminder about Friendly Friday.
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